Ties: Regimental Silk Ties
Collectors Centre Online
35, St.Nicholas Cliff, Scarborough
North Yorkshire YO11 2ES (UK)
Ties: Regimental - Army - Luxury Silk Ties
We now stock a limited range of Regimental - Army Ties in the very popular silk striped and coming soon some silk logo ties.
Manufactured in the UK, our selection of silk ties are usually available at two price points.
From £23.45 for the silk striped ties and up to £29.95 for the silk logo ties
Please use at least 3 letters in a search");
$PrdSearch = NULL;
$PrdSearchAll = ($_POST['showAll']);
if ($PrdSearch != NULL)
$SrchQuery = "SELECT * from $TableName, $TableName2 WHERE ($TableName.Prod_Cat = 'Army Ties' AND $TableName.Prod_Sub_Cat LIKE '%silk%') AND (Prod_Name LIKE '%$PrdSearch%' OR Prod_Sh_Desc LIKE '%$PrdSearch%' OR Prod_Ln_Desc LIKE '%$PrdSearch%' ) AND $TableName.Prod_Img = $TableName2.Img_Id ORDER BY $TableName.Prod_Name";
$ProdFlag = TRUE;
elseif($PrdSearchAll != NULL)
$SrchQuery = "SELECT * from $TableName, $TableName2 WHERE ($TableName.Prod_Cat = 'Army Ties' AND $TableName.Prod_Sub_Cat LIKE '%silk%') AND $TableName.Prod_Img = $TableName2.Img_Id ORDER BY 'Prod_price' ";
$ProdFlag = TRUE;
print("Please enter a word or part of a word in the search boxes");
$Query = "SELECT * from $TableName, $TableName2 WHERE ($TableName.Prod_Cat = 'Army Ties' AND $TableName.Prod_Sub_Cat LIKE '%silk%') AND $TableName.Prod_Img = $TableName2.Img_Id ORDER BY 'Prod_price' ";
if($ProdFlag == true)
$Result = mysql_db_query ($DBName, $SrchQuery, $Link);
$Result = mysql_db_query ($DBName, $Query, $Link);
// Fetch the results from the database.
while ($Row = mysql_fetch_array ($Result,MYSQL_BOTH))
$Num = mysql_num_rows($Result);
$ProdNum = ("$Row[Prod_Id]");
$ProdSCat = ("$Row[Prod_Super_Cat]");
$ProdCat = ("$Row[Prod_Cat]");
$ProdSubCat = ("$Row[Prod_Sub_Cat]");
$ProdName = ("$Row[Prod_Name]");
$ProdBrd = ("$Row[Prod_Brand]");
$ProdPrc = ("$Row[Prod_Price]");
$ProdCode = ("$Row[Prod_Code]");
$ProdPkQty = ("$Row[Prod_Pack_Qty]");
$ProdSDesc = ("$Row[Prod_Sh_Desc]");
$ProdLDesc = ("$Row[Prod_Ln_Desc]");
$ProdSLvl = ("$Row[Prod_Stock_Lvl]");
$ProdWid = ("$Row[Prod_Width]");
$ProdHgt = ("$Row[Prod_Height]");
$ProdDpt = ("$Row[Prod_Depth]");
$ProdClr = ("$Row[Prod_Colour]");
$ProdImg = ("$Row[Prod_Img]");
$ImgUrl = ("$Row[Img_Url]");
$ImgAlt = ("$Row[Img_Alt]");
$ImgW = ("$Row[Img_Width]");
$ImgH = ("$Row[Img_Height]");
if($ProdSLvl > 0) //check if in stock - show relevant form
mysql_close ($Link);
Regimental Ties in Silk.
Results Displayed:
* All UK orders just £2.25 P&P - Great Value (automatically added at checkout).
Worldwide Carriage/Postage £6.25 - Outside UK and Over £10, please click below to add the additional carriage charge to your order
Shop and Buy Online, use a Printable Order Form, use our Contact Us Form. or Phone 01723 365221
Collectors Centre Online, 35 St.Nicholas Cliff, Scarborough, North Yorks, YO11 2ES